The US Ashram of Art of Living is located in an isolated but very serene location. It is located so isolated that no cell phone reception is available there. The address is supposedly 7802 Ranch Road 1051 Uvalde, TX 78802 USA. But we are citizens of the 21st century and would like it all abbreviated, so we used to specify 7802 R.R.1051 Uvalde, TX 78802 USA.
I couldn't get Google maps to find me the Ashram location and neither did Yahoo maps but Yahoo suggested an alternate address called 7802 FM 1051 Uvalde, TX 78802 USA (which it said was in its database) . I decided to give that a shot and to my surprise the location was in and around the Ashram. When I tried the same address on Google maps, not surprisingly the result was same as yahoo.
There were 2 questions, how come Google can't find the location and why is yahoo looking for FM 1051 instead of RR 1051. A friend of mine went to the extent saying that Google maps aren't always accurate and it has been wrong some times. But my experience and tens of others suggested that Google maps can't be wrong (not in US).
After some research I found Google and yahoo both give the right place if we type in Ranch Road instead of R.R. Turns out abbreviation R.R. stands for Rural Road and not Ranch Road.
Now the question of why FM, Shankara facility which shares space at the ashram has registered its address as 7802 FM 1051 Uvalde, TX 78801 USA and some how have mapped GPS location to some place near the Ashram and hence both yahoo and Google were working for FM 1051 and taking some where near the vicinity of the Ashram.
So, the official address for the ashram is 7802 Ranch Road 1051 Uvalde, TX 78802 USA, don't try to abbreviate any thing for it might take you to a wrong location.
I just re-checked again, Google still has problem with zip code of 78802 and would only work for 78801 but yahoo works with either of the zip codes. So, if you want to use Google or Yahoo for directions leave out the zip code.