I don’t understand the stands of these so called republicans. On one side they believe everything should be persons choice and government should not interfere in any aspect of a persons life including owning a gun to paying taxes and so on but in the same breath they want to ban abortion in whatever time and way possible.
Passing absurd laws of banning abortions altogether and not even in case of genetic diseases like the one in North Dakota is border line ridiculous and madness. If the government wants to pass such ridiculous laws like these, then the government should be ready to take responsibility for everything from mothers health, child birth to child bring up and more care/support for ones whose kids are born with genetic diseases that would prevent them from leading a normal life. But wait, that is against the republican principle.
For me it is simple, choice should and definitely be of the mother. All said and done, it is the mothers body and mind that has to go through the changes required for baby’s development. That said, I am not proposing a free for all, when and where possible abortion but allow a minimum time of first trimester or so and after that only allow if there are medical conditions like genetic diseases that warrant such a move.
I guess some would say, they are republicans and not libertarians.