A friend of mine said "a blog just is someone's opinion and may not always be a well researched truth", being a blogger I have to agree with him. For I myself am guilty of posting something on my blog and not providing an update to the same when the information I know about the matter changes. I can quote numerous examples, but I do take the credit for one case that of Lance Armstrong where I did come a full circle.
Anyways, I started this post because I wanted to update about the ink cartridges, remember the cartridge refill post?
I followed the instructions from the website and was printing every week without fail the "printer status report" only to notice at the end of 3 months one of the cartridge went empty and promptly I got it refilled, only to notice that the other colors went empty within a couple of days. The surprising part was they went from all good to no good in more a binary transition than an analog one, as I expected them to be.
One small thing I learnt is, just because the material I am printing is black and white doesn't mean the printer is using the black cartridge unless I specify to print black and white it would rarely use the black.
This time around I am trying to keep the status reports more sporadic than fixed, so far 3 months over and the cartridges are still alive. Will have to see how long will they last.
I personally don't have a feel for how long will the brand new ones last, will try that experiment just to see if the refill route is the cheaper way to go.