Thursday, July 30, 2009

My 2 cents to save the planet

Most of us use liquid soap in the washroom to wash hands and throw away the bottle once we think the soap is over. But last week when my wife poured water to the bottle closed the lid and shook it vigorously, I was amazed with the amount of soap still left in the bottle that I was about to throw away. Yes the soap was very watery but trust me there was enough soap in a small amount of soap water to clean my hands perfectly. From the little experiment we did last week, the extra water+soap mixture has lasted more than a week in our washroom.

So, next time when you think the liquid soap in the washroom is over, think again,


Sripathi Kodi said...

Hey Bruce Willis, this was the standard practice in most Indian homes while we were growing up. However, the reasons were mostly economical, not "saving the planet". I guess our generation did not pick up these habits, but most people from our parents' generation still practice it.

BTW, I don't know if they are available in the US, but you get refill packets for hand washes in India. With that you can save even more money and planet :-)

Manjunath said...

Sri, first don't know why Bruce Willis.
Yes I agree people in our parents generation followed all these and as far as I can see it is lost in our generation.

I haven't seen a refillable packet but big bottles which won't get over before the expiry date written on them.

Sripathi Kodi said...

OK, Bruce Willis doesn't save the "planet", but he usually saves the "world" in most of his movies ;-)