Thursday, June 23, 2011

Then there was one . . . . . .

About 3 and half years ago (December of 2007), Sandhya and I decided that we should restart our aquarium which was sitting idle after the sudden demise of the previous fish. This time around we decided to get gold fish instead of the ever multiplying mollies. We got 2 first and then couple of weeks later added 2 more.

All  was well for nearly a year when one of the gold fish died due to an infection, then came the turn of the big white which passed away in 2009. Now in last couple of days, one other fish passed away. This one was in the very first batch we got and we used to call it a submarine for its round tubular shape. It was the biggest fish in the tank until our big white one day suddenly bulged up and became the biggest. He was a pretty friendly fish and some days we used to feed it with our hands. I am sure it lived a happy life for by the end of life it had grown 3 to 4 times its initial size (when we bought it). It survived our absence for weeks some times (India trips). I am glad it didn’t pass away while we were away, that would have been a more bitter tragedy. All good things have to come to an end and can never last for ever.  

That now leaves the whole tank with just one fish. I don’t know if the fish is feeling lonely or I am feeling that, we are debating about adding a couple more fish to the tank.

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