Why do I get the feeling that Republicans this time are running on a very weak platform. I think I know and here it is
- Their energy policy unveiled by Mitt Romney, only talks about drilling and more drilling and oil and more oil. What about natural gas?, what about renewable sources? or for that matter Nuclear energy?. For me the focus is too narrow and drilling more and more is not the only solution.
- They talk doing the economy more good but don’t highlight what they would be doing differently then what it is right now, lower taxes and reduced borrowing costs, do you have anything else to offer?
- Reduced government spending by cutting more welfare programs and schools but increase in military spending is it?, because last I checked the latest 3 wars were started by republican presidents (father and son duo).
- I am sick and tired of the abortion debate and I am also sick of what is considered forced pregnancy vs other forms. I wonder what part of government spending does this account for. Why not let states choose what they want to implement and be done with it.
- Their platform of “we built it” and rallying around for a whole day in the convention sounds like “Joe the plumber” deal from last elections. Grow up guys, context or no context of what the president said, one can only flourish when there is a stable government, good infrastructure and security in the society. If all it took was hard work to be prosperous then why not invest in countries like Sudan or Somalia?
- The health care reform, this is one thing I am not sure. But again, I heard the owner of Papa Johns Pizza said it would cost him an average of $0.14/pizza to implement health care. Will I as a customer notice a $0.14 increase in my pizza cost?
- Immigration policy is one other area, where I do not have a clear opinion towards one way or the other.
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