Recently when we had to go on our vacation, most of the stuff related to vacation like tickets, accommodations and attractions were done in advance. But this time around unlike last time we had a family member who wasn't going to accompany us on our trip and of course she is not able to handle herself by herself either, no she is not old or bed ridden, in fact she is young at heart and in body too. Yes you guessed it right, it was our pet daisy.
Thanks to our Circle C Ranch Facebook page I found a few dog highly recommended dog boarding places that I short listed to checkout
In general
There are a lot of dog boarding places in and around our neighborhood
4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas are the busiest times and
The cost of boarding is in the range of $30-$35/day
I can’t comment about the business side but almost all the places I visited had decent number or a lot of dogs
Most dog boarding places are plain boarding places and that means they provide a semi private indoor place for your pet and let them out every 3 to4 hours for 10-15mins and put them back inside
They in general won't allow group play for dogs or more than required time outside the kennels
Some places were ridiculous, they were quoting extra $15-$20 for 10-15mins of group play in a day.
One of the places even offered a doggie massage and also human time instead of group time, that would be $10-$20 for 15mins
The same place also offered nature walk for the pup but 10mins walk would cost $15, considering I take my dog out for 40minute walk in the morning and something similar in the evening, 10minutes sounded ridiculous
After seeing the other places out there, day camp and boarding at our neighborhood petsmart looks very primitive (no outdoor space and cramped play space)
Of all the places I visited best I liked was Dog Camp in Dripping Springs and next one was Bobby Colorado training camp
Since I couldn’t get Dog Camp, I had to board her at Bobby Colorado. At the end of 10 days, my pup looked happy and I admit had lost some weight but nothing to worry about.
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