It is hard to believe that she is no more and she has said her final good bye, when I heard the news last night for a few seconds I became numb. Yes farewell my dearest teacher Rajima. She was a firebrand, intellect of highest order, devotee of the highest order, a true saint, kind hearted and one who knew how to effectively use carrot and stick.
Her sessions let it be Art of Living courses or the sessions of Bhagavata or Yoga Vasista were divine. She was one of those personalities which either attracted people like a magnet and kept them devoted to her or repulsed them from the get go, I don’t think there ever was an intermediate level.
I still remember the day back in 2008 when she looked me in the eye and asked “why are you not writing down and where is your notebook?”, in the same course when I had asked a “hypothetical question”, she had shunned me off and pointed towards action. A true yogi who really understood the 7 layers of existence.
Here presence was enough to change energy of the place. I would not be an exaggeration to say that she transformed people for better, she believed in action and always lead from the front. One teacher in my experience who made no exceptions for the rules, including herself.
May her soul rest in peace, we miss you Rajima.