Saturday, December 26, 2015

Ios Maps vs Google Maps India

Recently when we went to Bengaluru, we took our beloved unlocked iPhone 4s with us (idea was to try with an Indian Sim card) to help us with phone access during our vacation. With the data plan we figured we could use the navigation also. Considering the charging of the phone is such a problem in India, I was hoping against hope that the built-in maps of iOS aka Apple maps would work for in US, I have found them to be battery saver and have come a long way since introduction. 

As they say, India is completely different dynamics at play and the Apple maps I was so hopeful about was up to no good. I had to change tactics and rely on Google maps. I wasn't expecting this extreme of a difference but Google maps are a few light years ahead of Apple maps. 

In places where Apple maps was struggling with GPS lock on my location,  Google map was able to give me point to point and turn by turn directions including details on service roads and one way too. 

With the driver we had hired for Bangalore trip, we survived solely thanks to Google Maps.

On the same note, traffic overlays on Google maps is extremely accurate and I admit I have a new found respect for Austin traffic after encountering Bangalore traffic.

So, a piece of advice if you are interested in taking your iPhone to India make sure it has Google Maps.     


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